Comparing Rz and Ra Surface Finish: Key Differences and Applications

Surface finish is a critical parameter in various industries, affecting product performance and functionality. Among the many surface roughness parameters, Rz and Ra are commonly used to quantify surface texture. This article aims to compare Ra and Rz surface finish, highlighting their key differences and applications in different industries.

Definition and Calculation:

Rz and Ra are both measures of surface roughness, but they are calculated differently. Ra, or arithmetic average roughness, is determined by averaging the absolute values of the height deviations from the mean line over the evaluation length. On the other hand, Rz, or mean roughness depth, is the average of the maximum peak-to-valley depths within the evaluation length.

Sensitivity to Outliers:

Rz is less sensitive to extreme peaks and valleys compared to Ra. This means that Rz is better suited to capture the overall roughness of the surface, even when there are a few extreme irregularities. On the other hand, Ra can be influenced significantly by outliers, leading to potential inaccuracies in the assessment of the surface roughness.


Both Rz and Ra are used in various industries to specify surface roughness requirements. Ra is commonly used in applications where a smooth surface is desired, such as in optics, automotive parts, and medical devices. On the other hand, Rz is often preferred in applications that involve sealing and gasketing, as it provides a better representation of the surface's functional characteristics.rz surface finish

Measurement Techniques:

The measurement of Ra is relatively straightforward and can be done using a profilometer. Rz, however, requires more advanced measurement techniques, such as the use of a contact stylus instrument or non-contact optical methods. The choice of measurement technique depends on the specific requirements of the application and the level of precision needed.

rz surface finish

Complementary Use:

In some cases, Rz and Ra are used together to provide a comprehensive assessment of surface roughness. Ra gives a general idea of the surface smoothness, while Rz provides insights into the deeper irregularities and functional aspects of the surface. By using both parameters, manufacturers can better understand the surface characteristics and optimize their processes accordingly.


Rz and Ra are essential parameters in the evaluation of surface finish in modern manufacturing. While Ra provides a general assessment of surface smoothness, Rz offers a more comprehensive understanding of surface irregularities and functional aspects. Depending on the application's requirements, manufacturers can choose the most suitable surface roughness parameter or use both Rz and Ra together to ensure the desired product performance and quality.

Metal surface finishRz surface finishSurface finish

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