ultrasonic thickness tester

Materials inspection is an important aspect of various industries including manufacturing, construction and maintenance. The ability to accurately measure material thickness plays a critical role in ensuring structural integrity, compliance with standards and overall product quality. Ultrasonic thickness testing has become a reliable and widely used non-destructive thickness measurement technique. For example, 2190 is the latest high-end ultrasonic thickness tester that adopts pulse reflection principle. 2190 can nondestructively monitor the thickness of almost any material like metals, plastics, composites, fiberglass, ceramics, and glass with A scan/B scan .




Non-destructive testing

One of the significant advantages of ultrasonic thickness measurement is its non-destructive nature. Unlike destructive testing methods that require sampling or damaging the material being inspected, ultrasonic testing can take measurements without causing any harm. This non-destructive feature is especially valuable when dealing with expensive or irreplaceable materials, as it allows thorough inspection without compromising the integrity of the object under test.



Ultrasonic thickness gauges are versatile instruments that can be used to measure the thickness of a wide variety of materials, including metals, plastics, composites, and ceramics. This versatility makes them indispensable tools in a wide variety of industries. Whether assessing the thickness of pipes, storage tanks, pressure vessels, or performing quality control inspections on manufactured components, ultrasonic thickness gauges provide accurate and reliable measurements in a variety of materials and applications.


Accuracy and Precision

Ultrasonic thickness gauges provide exceptional accuracy and precision in thickness measurement. Ultrasonic testing works by sending high-frequency sound waves into the material being tested and measuring the time it takes for the sound waves to reflect back. By analyzing the time delay and velocity of sound through the material, thickness can be determined with high precision. The advanced ultrasonic thickness gauge provides digital display and data logging functions to ensure accurate and traceable measurement results.


Quick Check

Efficiency and speed are critical in the material inspection process, especially in industries with high volumes or tight project schedules. Ultrasonic thickness gauges provide real-time measurements, thus enabling quick inspections. The ability to obtain instant thickness readings allows inspectors to quickly evaluate materials and make timely decisions. This capability is particularly useful in maintenance and repair activities, where assessing the remaining thickness of a component is critical to determining its ongoing usability.



Modern ultrasonic thickness gauges are designed to be portable and user-friendly. They are compact, lightweight, and often have an intuitive interface. These qualities allow them to be easily carried around the field or in different areas of a facility. The ultrasonic thickness tester can be hand-held or mounted on a stand to increase stability during measurement. Additionally, they often have built-in features such as automatic gain control and probe zeroing to simplify the testing process and ensure consistent and reliable results.

 ultrasonic thickness tester



Detection of Corrosion and Material Deterioration

Corrosion and material degradation are common concerns in various industries including oil and gas, marine and infrastructure. Ultrasonic thickness testing is an effective method for early detection of these problems. By monitoring the thickness of the material over time, inspectors can identify areas of significant thinning, corrosion, or degradation. This enables proactive maintenance and repairs, preventing potential failures and ensuring the longevity and safety of structures and equipment.


Ultrasonic thickness gauges offer numerous advantages for material inspection, making them an important tool for quality control and maintenance activities. Their non-destructive nature, versatility, accuracy, rapid inspection capability, portability, and ability to detect corrosion and material degradation make them extremely valuable in a variety of industries. By utilizing ultrasonic thickness gauges, inspectors can ensure the integrity, compliance and longevity of materials and components, improving overall product quality and safety.

Ultrasonic thickness tester

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